
Important changes to funding community buildings


Our funding policy has recently changed in respect of funding community buildings as follows:

Renewable Energy Projects

We will now accept renewable energy projects based at community buildings, including solar panels. To help applicants reduce their carbon footprint, and be more sustainable, we will accept projects which incorporate the use of energy efficient and renewable energy products wherever appropriate.

In order to accept an application for funding energy efficient or renewable energy elements, applicants must provide an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) with their application - see for detail about how to obtain a certificate.

Non-substantial Extensions

We will now consider applications for the build and internal fit outs costs of small extensions in certain circumstances. The types of extensions we will consider funding the build costs include:

  • Extensions to create porches or new entrance areas
  • Extensions to accommodate a new toilet and/or kitchen layout
  • Extensions to maximise useable space and/or re-order existing facilities
  • Extensions to create non-exclusive storage space, eg, for chairs and tables

We reserve the right not to accept an application which includes the build costs for an extension if we judge the extension to be substantial, or the new area has insufficient access, for example offices.

Please note, we consider a substantial extension to be any extension which will create a new income stream and/or hireable space and/or the footprint of the existing building is increased by more than 20%.

For more information about our funding programmes in England and Scotland, please click the links:

FCC Community Action Fund - England

FCC Scottish Action Fund